So yesterday I was called PLUS SIZE!!!! As a woman who no longer smoke cigarettes, I could not believe what this complete stranger just said!!!!! He did clean it up a bit by trying to make me feel better. Don't get me wrong WOMEN come in all shapes, colors, and SIZES. MY weight has shifted my gears on MY wardrobe. Coming from a size 10 to now currently a size 14/16 I am frustrated. I have tried walking, running, biking etc. After not smoking my body just always seem to be hungry. So, for this guy to just blast out and say i'm plus size I was so like yeah ok I am now!!!! To other women who are newly PLUS SIZE how do it feel when someone call you PLUS SIZE? I wrote my favorite designer asked for my size of clothing to be included in the local stores and online PLUS SIZE is not available for me, I still like to dress too. My breast is bigger my thighs look like a true New Orleans Street POTHOLE CITY!!! MY weight gain is of POSITIVTY so I try not to cry over it too much I am a fit bead ambassador so I have my fit beads to help MAGNIFICENT15 everyone y'all can use my code to decorate your waistline. This is how I entered the PLUS SIZE category. Tell ME when the first time was someone called you PLUS SIZE do you like that title?? don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM Magnificent_llc to become a podcast guest just send a DM
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