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Writer: MagnificentMagnificent

Never "Doubt" your own capabilities of what you can do for yourself. As I continue to stay focused on my personal goals of self-improvement, I never look back at how my life was. I may reflect to see this is how I looked, or this is how I used to act. As the years increase and time run out, I will never live in regret of myself. Doubting yourself will only hold you back from accomplishing the goals of your dream. Never doubt yourself, never allow yourself to think doubtfully of your initial start-up. Always think big, and you will eventually do everything that you have set to come. Hard work is the best way to accomplish doubt, how? Look at the results you have sacrificed time, money, friends' parties, and selfish wants! Doubting whether you should go or not may seem hard. Making the correct decision you are now where you envisioned yourself. Understand that doubting is never going to open the door of success! Clear the clutter from your mind, get a brain jack and lift it out your way and apply yourself.

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